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The Blizzard 3 Layer Trauma Blanket is the new standard in thermal protection for casualties.  This extra-large blanket wraps around a casualty and seals with a self-adhesive closure.  It can easily be re-opened for examination of the casualty or medical intervention.

It provides the total warmth and weather protection associated with our Reflexcell™ material, reducing shock and guarding against the risk of hypothermia in all conditions


*Size (vacuum packed): 23 cm x 11 cm x 5 cm.
*Weight: 430 grams.
*Size (unpacked): 2.3 meters x 2.0 metres (fully stretched).
*Colour: Green or Orange
Legal Manufacturer: Blizzard Protection System Ltd.

*Reinforced edges for maximum strength.
*Extra large.
*Easy-to-use resealable self-adhesive closure along full length.

*Warmth: 7.5 Togs – equal to a medium weight regular sleeping bag.
*Weather protection: fully waterproof and windproof.
*Storage: blankets may be stored indefinitely, and are not affected by temperature or moisture, either during storage or in use.
*Portability: small packed size means the Blizzard Survival Blanket takes up very little room in a personal emergency pack or vehicle.
*Re-usability: blankets can be re-used many times without loss of performance.

First Aid, Mountain Rescue & Military Trauma Care

The Blizzard Survival Blanket is recommended as the first choice for keeping casualties warm by the 2007 Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support Military Version Sixth Edition (PHTLS Military Version 6E), produced by the globally respected National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT).

PHTLS says medics’ initial response to trauma cases should be: “After any immediate life-threatening issues are addressed, wet clothes should be replaced with dry clothes, if possible, and the casualty should be wrapped in a Blizzard Survival Blanket.”

Blizzard 3 Layer Trauma Blanket -

BPS-01: green
BPS-10: orange
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